This course can more aptly titled Fundamentals in Machine Learning. It is a gateway course to more advanced and specialized graduates courses in the Compyter Science graduate program. To enjoy the ...
Thanks to Don Slater at CMU for letting me use this page. Important. Download and install Java first per these instructions then download and install the Eclipse IDE per these instructions. Other ...
Spring 2025: TTh 2:00 - 3:30, in GDC 5.302, Unique No. 51250. Instructor: Gordon S. Novak Jr., GDC 3.824; Office Hours: MTWTh 3:30 - 4:30 PM via Zoom. novak at cs dot utexas dot edu Classes will be ...
West Papua borders the independent nation of Papua New Guinea and forms the western half of the world's second largest island. West Papua became the twenty-sixth province of Indonesia in 1969 after ...
When emailing me, please put CS395 in the subject line. Topics: This is a graduate seminar course in computer vision. We will survey and discuss current vision papers relating to object recognition, ...
Nothing on my web pages should be taken as representing the official position of the University of Texas at Austin or any other part of the government of the State of Texas.
We can show you the Knuth-Pratt-Morris algorithm and we can show you the Boyer-Moore algorithm. Our algorithm has the peculiar property that, roughly speaking, the longer the pattern is, the faster ...
Our students and faculty are changing the world through their contributions to computing education, research, and industry. These awards received by members of the UT Computer Science community make ...
While most operations in Scheme are procedure calls, there are a few other kinds of expressions you need to know about, which behave differently. They are called special forms. Procedure calls and ...