Alongside our friends at Sustain, the alliance for better food & farming, and Friends of the Earth, we have released our new “Muck Map” showing where the most animal manure is produced by factory ...
Read more about our investigations.
As we look back on 2024, this momentous year will be remembered for the outstanding progress we achieved for farmed animals – enabled by your amazing, unwavering and steadfast support. Our progress ...
This Christmas, Compassion in World Farming is urging the British public to make a few tweaks to their festive food to make it more animal and climate friendly. The animal welfare and environmental ...
Given a natural healthy life, cows can live for twenty years or more. High-yielding dairy cows will typically be slaughtered after three or four lactations because their milk production drops and/or ...
More than 50 billion chickens are reared annually as a source of food, for both their meat and their eggs.
This report uses scientific literature to detail the health and welfare issues caused by broiler breeding for fast growth, high stocking densities, lameness, heart disease… Buy free-range. If you ...
We are the world’s leading farm animal welfare organisation and for over 50 years, we have been tirelessly campaigning to end the horror of factory farming. Our spokespeople are experts on the impacts ...
Compassion In World Farming campaigns peacefully to end factory farming and create sustainable food systems that benefit animals, people, and the planet. Why? We believe that everyone has the right to ...
Chickens slaughtered for Halal meat are not being stunned effectively. Instead of being rendered instantly unconscious when stunned, they will be receiving a painful electric shock that immobilises ...
Organic production can offer animals higher welfare. In the UK organic pigs are outdoor reared (with access to straw bedded huts or tents and large paddocks). Sows and boars are kept in outdoor ...
Submit your email address to allow Compassion in World Farming to send you urgent campaign actions and news (you can unsubscribe at any time). It makes sense to choose local meat and dairy. It may ...