Each June, our neighbourhoods are swamped with Pride flags as councils, shops and other businesses signal their support for LGBTQ+ ideology. It’s time to stop this. Rainbow flags are bad enough – but ...
CitizenGO est formé par 17,970,847 citoyens actifs qui empêchent les organisations radicales d'imposer leur agenda à la société ...
CitizenGO tvorí 17,970,847 aktívnych občanov, ktorí obhajujú v spoločnosti hodnoty života, rodiny a slobody, a zastavujú ľavicovo-liberálnu agendu Víťazstvá ...
CitizenGO is formed by 17,961,147 active citizens stopping radical lobbies from imposing their agenda on society ...
CitizenGO wordt gevormd door 17,970,847 actieve burgers die radicale lobby's verhinderen om hun agenda aan de samenleving op te leggen Vrijheid voor Ehsan Shan, vervolgd christen in Pakistan ten ...
Sign the Petition Urging the Presidential Candidates to Support 2024 Children’s Internet Safety Presidential Pledge to Address the Global Pandemic of Online Child Exploitation! While the digital world ...
First New York, now Virginia! Pro-abortion politicians appear to be competing against each other to see who can be more barbaric in their treatment of pre-born babies. Virginia Delegate Kathy Tran ...
CitizenGO - started this petition to To President Biden, U.S. Ambassador Crocker, and U.S. Delegates to the World Health Organization, - 2024-05-21 We’ve reached the final countdown with the WHO ...
The Church of England’s Valuing All God’s Children guidance says that children as young as five should be affirmed if they want to identify as the opposite gender. This guidance covers over 4,800 CofE ...
This is the Treaty UN elites don't want you to see. The United Nations is once again pushing a dangerous global agenda through its new Pact for the Right to Development dictating the conditions for ...
CitizenGO Québec a lancé cette pétition Non au traité canadien sur les pandémies ! - 2024/10/01 Imaginez un avenir où des élites mondiales non élues dictent ce que vous mangez et comment vous vivez.