Discover the magic of Polish Christmas through the fascinating tales of its traditional objects. From the shimmering artistry ...
Napisany i wyreżyserowany przez Jessego Eisenberga "Prawdziwy ból" to opowieść o rodzinnej przeszłości, traumie i pamięci ...
在波蘭,平安夜晚餐是整個一年中最重要的慶祝活動。雖然是與家人享用,但人們習慣上為不速之客,甚至為流浪漢預留額外的盤子和座位。大多數菜餚都是為這一特殊的日子而烹製的,並且一年只食用一次。 平安夜的習俗主要遵守習俗而不是信仰,因此不管是 ...
Ciprian Porumbescu, a Romanian composer with Polish roots, bridged cultures through music, creating works inspired by ...
They called her a witch, because she chatted with animals and owned a terrorist-crow, known for stealing gold and attacking bicyclists. A lynx slept in her bed, and she shared her roof with a tamed ...
The world’s most-popular philosophical novella for children and adults, ‘The Little Prince’ by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, is available in nearly 400 languages – including the Greater Polish, Silesian, ...
Uzdolnienia muzyczne ujawniła bardzo wcześnie - nie znając jeszcze nut, improwizowała na szpinecie i klawikordzie. W wieku ośmiu lat rozpoczęła regularną naukę muzyki pod kierunkiem Antoniego ...
Ktoś mógłby powiedzieć, że "Pan Żarówka" to opowieść autobiograficzna, a kto inny, że duszna, surrealistyczna baśń – i każdy ...
A decade after his brutal murder, Zdzisław Beksiński’s paintings hold the world spellbound. Is the universal fascination they evoke the result of their author’s own gruesome tragedies, or did ...
As you may have heard, potatoes are quite popular in Poland. The potato has found its way into the hearts, minds, and onto the plates of Poles everywhere. But how did they make their way there?
It’s common knowledge that you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but… By working on the visual side of books, graphic designers, illustrators and typographers help create the perfect reading ...