Paraprofessionals are a crucial part of our school system and are needed more than ever. We are ready to stand up for ourselves and our students. A new state law now allows UFT members currently ...
Single-session schools have four three-hour evening conferences a year in September (back to school), November, March and May and two two-hour afternoon conferences a year in November and March.
You may access any salary schedule listed from the menu. PDF versions are available for downloading and printing. Additionally, if you are a DOE-employed teacher ...
Free social skills and behavioral regulation activities Educating All Learners Alliance Curated tools, strategies, tips and best practices for supporting students with disabilities online ...
The UFT's Member Assistance Program (MAP) has trained professional counselors who can guide you through the problems that can affect your mental health and potentially put your job in jeopardy. Our ...
As his fledgling union teetered on the brink of a strike, Albert Shanker was the linchpin of a last-minute settlement that laid out the goals that would dominate his thinking for the rest of his life.
The following discounts are paid advertising. The appearance of these ads does not imply any endorsement by or connection with the United Federation of Teachers or NYSUT. Lower your current interest ...
The mission of the Association of Teachers of Social Studies/UFT is to support New York City educators who teach social students and provide a network wherein social studies educators and related ...
The UFT is here to support your vital work. It's a critical time for unions, and we must stay strong and unified. As a union member, you have the right to have your voice heard in the workplace as we ...