It is the time of year when we try to become a better person. Well, different, anyway. Even though January may be the very worst time to try to change there remains a huge appetite for anything that ...
Research has shown that phone conversations while driving impair performance. It is difficult to quantify the risk of this impairment because the reference is usually made to normal driving without ...
Author: TRL: Annabel Knightley, Alice Holcombe, Bharti Gupta, George Beard, Jack Hitchings, Joe Forrest. RiDC: Eric Harris, Hayley Dawson, Indigo Ayling, Naomi Care This report is a supplement to the ...
This document reports on the outcome of a collaborative study the objective of which was to produce an up-to-date guidance manual on the factors affecting the demand for public transport for use by ...
'Secret' vehicle activated speed limit reminder signs have been used as a means of warning drivers that they are travelling too fast by the activation of a sign triggered when the speed of the vehicle ...
Pedal misapplication is when a driver applies the wrong pedal of a vehicle, for example: accelerating instead of braking. When followed by the inability to regain control this can result in collisions ...
This report reviews the information and advice available on the drainage of earthworks, identifies the limitations of current knowledge and provides recommendations on how these might be addressed.
This study aimed to assess the impact of interacting with two infotainment systems, Android Auto and Apple CarPlay, on four driver performance measures: reaction time, driving behaviour, eyes-off road ...
In 2008, 115 pedal cyclists were killed and 2,450 reported as seriously injured on Britain’s roads, accounting for 9% of all killed or seriously injured (KSI) road casualties. The Government is ...
The over-representation of young novice drivers in road collisions is a public health risk in Great Britain (GB), and worldwide. The key contributory factors to this problem are known and are ...
Roads in non-built-up areas account for only 9% of all cyclist casualties, but almost one half (45%) of all cyclist deaths. The reasons for this imbalance are examined, paying particular attention to ...
Currently, during automated vehicle trials there are two personnel present within each test vehicle: the Safety Driver and the Test Assistant. This summary report presents recommendations on how to ...