A while ago I was in need of a new Phono Pickup Cartridge. Having stayed for a long time with such budget favorites as the Cambridge C-77 and a nice NAD 9100, I was not going to shell out for a Koetsu ...
Regular readers will be aware that last year I did a group test of 300B valves using my Audionote Quest Silver monoblock amps to carry them. The group comprised valves from Audion, Audionote, ...
Approx. price: 180 EUR the pair (price quoted with European VAT) Test samples bought and paid in full. It is now 4 years ago, that I wrote my first article on different moving coil transformers. At ...
Up to few years ago, Weiss name was famous only among audio professionals, while it remained unknown in the consumer audio environment. In facts, Weiss Engineering achievements were so widely out and ...
I think, or at least I hope, that we have all by now realised that digital audio is just as subject to the influences of the playback system as analogue audio. In this review I'll step-aside from the ...
8 years ago, early on in my TNT adventures in Hi-Fi, I unpacked one component I'd really been looking forward to getting my hands on – the SME IV pick-up arm. The reasons for my excitement were pretty ...
I've always found cartridge alignment a nerve-wracking chore, being frustrated by the innate inaccuracy of most tools involved, and of the tedious tiring eyeballing process itself, of course. All of ...
Ed infine, la Figura 4 illustra un alimentatore "serio". Tanto per iniziare possiamo notare che ogni metà dell'alimentatore ha il suo proprio ponte rettificatore. Ciò permette dei significativi ...
After the good results of the Preamble there was another component type I wanted to test in the single ended circuit topology I am working on. Nuvistors were the last born in the classic tube world: ...
I've been investigating some visually very attractive and reasonably-priced wood bodies for popular pickup cartridges and carbon accessories for high-end turntables. Close inspection of all but the ...
As part of my upcoming speaker comparison articles (about ten pairs), I decided that I needed some decent speaker stands. Two pairs in fact. It just so happens that one of my oldest buds (George) ...
In the first installment of this series we had a look at the noise generated at the output of a number of easy to build and cheap voltage regulators: single-chip series and shunt regs (LM317/337 and ...