They're the armoured tanks of the natural world. With their mighty jaws and muscular build, snapping turtles are Canada’s largest freshwater turtle. What does the snapping turtle look like? Snapping ...
What is NCC doing to help protect this habitat? The Nature Conservancy of Canada has conserved many projects with montane forests, including projects in the Castle-Crowsnest Watershed Natural Area.
Eric Denhoff is a senior executive with more than 30 years of experience in Canada and abroad. He has served as a deputy minister and a chief negotiator in Alberta’s and BC’s public sectors in the ...
The Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC’s) newly acquired property in the Upper Qu’Appelle Valley — designated as Last Mountain Lake 1 — is relatively small compared to the other eight properties it ...
A vast 970-hectare area featuring thriving forests, wetlands and crystal-clear lakes northeast of Sault Ste. Marie is now protected, marking a significant win for nature. The Nature Conservancy of ...
Juste à temps pour la saison des cadeaux, Conservation de la nature Canada (CNC) est ravi d’annoncer un généreux don de terre fait par une famille d’Alberta. Margaret Van De Pitte et son défunt mari, ...
En panne d’inspiration à l’approche des Fêtes? L’idée d’éviter la cohue des centres commerciaux vous plaît? Cette année, Conservation de la nature Canada (CNC) vous propose d’offrir la nature en ...
Un habitat naturel de 24 hectares est protégé pour la rainette faux-grillon à l’ouest de la ville de Gatineau Conservation de la nature Canada (CNC) protège l’habitat essentiel de la rainette ...
Canada’s largest land conservation organization is celebrating a big win for nature in the Thunder Bay region. Vast expanses of forests, wetlands and mesas (isolated, flat-topped landforms with steep ...
Un vaste territoire de 970 hectares situé au nord-est de Sault Ste. Marie et comprenant des forêts pleines de vitalité, des milieux humides et des lacs aux eaux limpides est maintenant protégé, ce qui ...
There's a special satisfaction to be found in working for a cause you believe in, especially when that cause involves something as important as the protection of Canada's natural heritage and ...
Most places under NCC's care welcome visitors. Please check site-specific pages on this website for access information and any special restrictions. Located 100 kilometres southwest of Edmonton, the ...