When Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov was arrested by French authorities in France on August 24, 2024, as part of a probe ...
Western countries are moving to block Chinese green tech, as part of a more general attempt to isolate and decouple their ...
Rather than being a solution, this new wave of AI chatbot companions could cause damage in the real world far beyond the ...
The great powers are taking an almost unprecedented interest in the region, and the reinstatement of Costa Rica’s army is no ...
A collaborative space for emerging scholars and innovative thinkers to share and develop research on the evolution and governance of transformative technologies. The Digital Policy Hub at the Centre ...
The Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) is an independent, non-partisan think tank whose peer-reviewed research, foresight and trusted analysis influence policy makers to innovate.
"What the peasant wants to know is: Does the government mean to win the war? Because if not, he will have to support the insurgent." --Sir Robert Thompson, Defeating Communist Insurgency: Experiences ...
Summits of world leaders produce multiple photo opportunities, snarled traffic, and endless fodder for pundits. They also, on occasion, yield pathbreaking initiatives. A case in point is the recent ...
Keldon Bester is a CIGI fellow and the executive director of the Canadian Anti-Monopoly Project, a think tank dedicated to addressing the harms of monopoly and building a more democratic economy.
Alan Gill is a senior associate with TPA Consulting, a public policy consulting firm in Ottawa, Ontario. Alan has held senior positions in the Canadian Department of Finance, the Export Development ...
Brian J. Arnold is senior adviser at the Canadian Tax Foundation in Toronto. He is a graduate of Harvard Law School and taught tax law at a Canadian law school for 28 years. He has been a consultant ...
Participants attend a workshop being held under the CIGI Rule. When a meeting is held under the CIGI Rule, participants are free to use the information received and the identity and affiliation of ...