Patti Smith pulled off an extraordinary Uranian image morph in 1970 – yes Uranus on her Midheaven – but it was also a potent Pluto moment.
From sobering Saturn transits to snazzy Venus Returns, transits are the astrological key to self-actualization, understanding other people and brilliant timing.
The Substance is a film that appears to have been made by not only an adept director/writer but an astrological genius.
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I don’t care how empire-centric, shallow or easily duped this makes me, it’s elating to see the Princess of Wales back & here is my take.
Happy New Moon in Capricorn! Could it be time to play choose your adventure again? Yes!
When is the Vengeful Toilet Concubine Spirit range coming out?
My major revelation regarding bras, Uranus, Eris, Pluto and Pre-Raphaelites. Also, wellness!
Surrealist artist Leonora Carrington has just broken art world records, signalling a profound cultural shift. Eris in Aries trine the Galactic Center?
Want some easy ‘cheat codes’ to tell someone’s rising sign? Voila! This is a repost because it’s a fun post and who doesn’t desire a lighter vibe at the mo?
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When this Leo’s romance with a famous Capricorn chef imploded, she was relieved so why can’t she let it go?