Following in the footsteps of Aristotle and Galileo, NASA scientists look to take the next step in understanding auroras.
In a letter addressed to the next NASA administrator—who, if Trump’s nomination is confirmed, will be Shift4 CEO and SpaceX ally Jared Isaacman—Nelson highlighted the space agency’s work during his ...
"We must honor their sacrifice by fortifying our commitment to safety and excellence as new generations of space explorers, follow their footsteps." ...
“中国的火星任务让美国望尘莫及,NASA至少落后四年!”香港英文媒体《南华早报》1月9日以此为题发表文章指出,根据NASA最新公布的火星采样返回方案,毅力号火星车预计最早要到2035年才能将火星样本带回地球,这将比中国天问三号落后至少四年时间。有业内 ...
Grubby politics of this dismal moment have overwhelmed even its grip on our collective imagination.
For the past week, an uncrewed lunar lander has been journeying through outer space on a 60-day mission to the moon on behalf ...
"The change of seasons causes surface melting far inland from the coastal ice front," glaciologist Christopher Shuman said.
据参考消息网报道,据台湾“中时新闻网”报道,美国航空航天局(NASA)“地球观测站”网站日前以《在中国建造太阳能长城》为题,发布了一组卫星图像对比,显示大陆太阳能发电项目在内蒙古库布其沙漠取得重大进展:2017年12月20日还是荒凉沙漠的一隅,202 ...
About 100 years after astronomer Edwin Hubble's discovered the "magnificent" spiral nebula, the Hubble Space Telescope and ...
NASA在火星上发现了一种由地球生物产生的气体,这引发了科学家们对火星潜在秘密的好奇。 “好奇号”探测器在盖尔陨石坑检测到一股持久的甲烷流,这种流在不同的时间和季节出现,有时浓度高达平时的40倍。
Any vehicle traversing the rocky terrain on Mars needs a sturdy set of wheels. NASA’s Perseverance rover, for example, sports ...