Let me share why! Before I get into it, I should state that I grew up with the original Twister movie, and while I haven’t rewatched it many times, I think it’s a solid movie I have fond ...
The film "Twister" - one of the most popular movies about weather ever made - was released 22 years ago, in May, 1996. Starring Helen Hunt, Bill Paxton, and Cary Elwes, the movie is essentially a ...
TV weatherman Bill Harding is trying to get his tornado-hunter wife, Jo, to sign divorce papers so he can marry his girlfriend Melissa. But Mother Nature, in the form of a series of intense storms ...
The fourth movie about the popular teacher Mees Kees. Based on the highly popular series of children books, the Mister Twister collection chronicles the misadventures of a young intern teacher at ...