Let me share why! Before I get into it, I should state that I grew up with the original Twister movie, and while I haven’t rewatched it many times, I think it’s a solid movie I have fond ...
TV weatherman Bill Harding is trying to get his tornado-hunter wife, Jo, to sign divorce papers so he can marry his girlfriend Melissa. But Mother Nature, in the form of a series of intense storms ...
The film "Twister" - one of the most popular movies about weather ever made - was released 22 years ago, in May, 1996. Starring Helen Hunt, Bill Paxton, and Cary Elwes, the movie is essentially a ...
The fourth movie about the popular teacher Mees Kees. Based on the highly popular series of children books, the Mister Twister collection chronicles the misadventures of a young intern teacher at ...