produced by the Comedy Theatre and directed by Shady Sorour (Performances run on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, 9pm).
Sawyer Bloom is rehearsing a production of Romeo and Juliet in a community theatre in New Jersey and thinks he can come up with a better ending. He conjures up his imaginary friend from ...
Sawyer Bloom is rehearsing a production of Romeo and Juliet in a community theatre in New Jersey and thinks he can come up with a better ending. He conjures up his imaginary friend from childhood ...
Decades after the 1968 film, Ms. Hussey and her co-star Leonard Whiting claimed that a brief scene with nudity amounted to ...
Two households, both alike in dignity …” is “Romeo and Juliet’s” famous opening line. Well, maybe not that much alike in dignity, if the households are Shakespeare and Britney Spears.