Closed doors and uneven air flow can lower the air quality in less-used and lower-light rooms, but these houseplants can offset that with their pollutant-absorbing prowess.
There are also a firm favorite with the ASPCA and are listed in our own list of 11 top pet-safe indoor house plants. Unlike other houseplants, orchids do not grow in soil and are best grown in ...
The bird's nest fern is one of the easiest indoor houseplants out there. It has thick, glossy leaves that hold onto moisture and humidity longer than many other types of ferns. Give it bright ...
Most houseplants will thrive in a well-lit, draught-free spot with an even temperature and reasonably high humidity. However some plants have specific needs. For instance, flowering plants and ...
The dog is coming with you, the fridge has been cleared out, but what about the house plants? If you're abandoning ... Tamara Campbell is the owner of an indoor plant store in Naarm/Melbourne ...
The suggestion that house plants could help with air quality came ... there have been claims that having indoor plants can be good for your mind too. If you’re already a plant lover, you may ...