There are many popular evergreen tree species, including conifers and magnolias, which can be relied upon to provide year-round structure and color to any space. As a former professional gardener ...
In nature, you’ll see several types of spruce trees (Picea spp.) that are beautiful, rugged evergreens capable of lasting several centuries and withstanding extreme winter cold. They are amongst ...
No group of plants exemplifies this better than hollies. With their beautiful green foliage and bright red-to-orange berries, ...
Most evergreen trees benefit from supplemental winter watering if conditions are dry and windy. Those grown in pots are especially vulnerable to damage. Intense sun and dry conditions will likely ...
Why do we put up evergreen trees at Christmas ... while others are all about the firs — the true firs (Abies species) with their stout, glossy, and fragrant needles. And then there are the ...