D3 and K2 are crucial vitamins that play a significant role in promoting bone health, cardiovascular wellbeing, and the functioning of the immune system. K2 plays a key part in triggering proteins ...
A pharmacist has taken to social media to warn people that there are three types of supplements that they should avoid - as ...
The nutrients Vitamin K2 and D3 are key for sustaining peak health. Vitamin K2 manages calcium levels within the body, and Vitamin D3 is crucial for bolstering bone health and a resilient immune ...
A pharmacist on TikTok posted a video revealing three supplements she warns viewers to never take. She says there should be a ...
A pharmacist has taken to social media to share three supplements she would never take, and warns viewers of the dangerous ...
Pharmacist Ariana Medizade has warned people about how taking three popular supplements the wrong way could be dangerous to ...
9月初,浙江医院副院长宋柏杉和浙江医院骨科中心主任茹选良围绕骨质疏松话题直播答疑。 “骨科1群-浙医在线交流群”群友的提问,得到两位专家 ...
据悉,百草园液体钙采用黄金五搭档专利配方——三文鱼骨钙+柠檬酸钙,人体同源,高吸收不便秘;VD3+K2可以引钙入骨;此外还特别添加骨胶原,促进关节修复。临床试验表明,百草园液体钙吸收率是钙片6倍,服用2周对关节疼痛、腿部抽筋等症状有明显缓解作用;补充 ...
9月27日,厦门金达威集团股份有限公司(以下简称“金达威”)宣布,发行可转债的申请获得深交所审核通过。 按照计划,公司本次发行可转换公司债券拟募集资金不超过18.01亿元。其中,超10亿元拟用于多个产品的扩产。
来让我们看看过去一周都有哪些暗黑新闻吧。 暴雪发布《暗黑4: 憎恨之躯》最新剧情短片“蕾瑞尔的挽歌”,讲述一介凡人只身对抗憎恨之王腐化的 ...
而NMN的“热度”消退后,金达威的股价也“跌跌不休”。 截至2024年10月11日,金达威收盘价为14.54元/股,市值88.68亿元, 较四年前的巅峰时期缩水超270亿元。
中秋、国庆结束,北京随着几轮降温彻底入秋了。这个夏天堪称气候最诡异的夏天之一,北京湿热得像南方,许多从未见过的动植物怪象纷纷冒头。特别是八月,第五波烫嘴病毒正面打脸,以实际行动教育大众根本不存在什么高温能让病毒匿迹的谣言,所以身边不少朋友是拖着再次破 ...