Renowned Cuban comedian José Ricardo Téllez Fernández, affectionately known as "El Chico Bombón," was discovered deceased in ...
In a recurring series of visits and art shows, Angela Martinez and friends are building a new community between Havana and ...
The papers of Cuban Americans at the Archives of American Art include the primary source material of painters, sculptors, photographers, collectors, dealers, critics, historians, and curators as well ...
This museum houses the largest collection of art in the country and is separated into two buildings; one for Cuban art housed in the Palacio de Bellas Artes, and (two blocks away) another for the ...
Artist Alejandro Piñeiro Bello’s studio in Miami. Alejandro Piñeiro Bello Cuban artist Alejandro Piñeiro Bello made headlines earlier this year when he became the first Cuban contemporary ...
You need to be happy': graffiti encourages Cuban self-reflection Graffiti on walls around Havana telling Cubans "you need to be happy" has encouraged introspection and inspiration in a country where ...