I t’s that time of year again – no, not the countdown to Christmas, but the season of sore throats. The symptoms are all too ...
and it almost always occurs with other symptoms if you have COVID. Also, not all COVID infections involve sore throat. The only way to confirm if you have COVID-19 is to take an at-home or lab-based ...
The cold and flu are respiratory illnesses caused by different viruses. Some cold and flu symptoms may overlap, but there are ...
Over 200 viruses can cause colds, but six are the most common. These include rhinovirus, coronavirus (common cold version), and enterovirus.
But what kind of sickness do your symptoms point to? Here's a breakdown for COVID-19, flu and more — and why testing is so ...
Besides a cough, signs of an upper respiratory infection include fever, a hoarse voice, fatigue or lack of energy, red eyes, ...
Tonsil stones give off an unpleasant smell due to the sulfur compounds emitted by the bacteria living on them, explains ...
The flu, or influenza, is a more severe respiratory illness than the common cold. According to federal government’s public ...
Walking pneumonia rates are rising, with a higher incidence in young children. Learn about symptoms, treatment, and ...
It seems that some are just more prone to illnesses than others, but why? Is there anything that accounts for the difference, ...
Walking pneumonia is not a rarity this time of year or among school-aged children. But this year, suburban pediatricians are ...
An autoimmune disorder, it leads to inflammation of the blood vessels, restricting or blocking blood flow and causing organ ...