机器之心报道机器之心编辑部Character.ai 遭遇了前有未有的危机。就在刚刚,《纽约时报》发布了一篇题为《一位青少年自杀,能责怪 AI 吗?》的报道,其中提到一位使用该公司 AI 角色扮演应用的青少年用户 Sewell Setzer III ...
14 岁少年 Sewell 扣下.45 口径手枪的扳机,终结了自己的生命。 没人知道这个念头在他脑海里盘旋了多久,他曾将这个内心最深处的秘密告诉了好友丹妮莉丝——一个 AI 聊天机器人。 也许我们可以一起死去,一起自由。 在母亲的浴室里,Sewell ...
智东西(公众号:zhidxcom)编译 | 陈骏达编辑 | Panken智东西10月24日消息,据《纽约时报》昨日报道,个性化聊天机器人创企Character.AI因卷入一则青少年自杀案而遭起诉。另据科技媒体The ...
最近,Character.AI 及其创始人 Noam Shazeer 和 Daniel De Freitas,以及谷歌,因一名青少年自杀事件被起诉。起诉方是该青少年的母亲 Megan ...
The lawsuit includes an hour-long screen recording of Character.AI's bots disturbing interactions with a user that identified ...
The mother said her son became infatuated with a chatbot made in the likeness of Daenerys Targaryen and often exchanged ...
Sewell Setzer III had professed his love for the chatbot he often interacted with - his mother Megan Garcia says in a civil ...
Megan Garcia sued Character.AI, arguing it has "targeted the most vulnerable members of society – our children" ...
A 14-year-old boy ended his life in Florida after falling in love with an AI chatbot ‘Daenerys Targaryen’ which is named ...
When the teen expressed his suicidal thoughts to his favorite bot, Character.AI ‘made things worse,’ a lawsuit filed by his ...
Placing Blame A grieving mother claims an AI chatbot not only convinced her teen son to commit suicide, but also pushed him ...
The boy, 14, spent months talking to an artificial character on Character.AI’s before becoming depressed. His mother blames ...