Actor Elliot Page and developer Quantic Dream are developing a TV show based on the 2013 PS3 game Beyond: Two Souls.
Quantic Dream’s Beyond: Two Souls is set to be adapted into a TV series. The rights to make a TV series based on the ...
First released for PlayStation 3 way back in 2013, Beyond: Two Souls is another stylish but somewhat nonsensical narrative ...
Beyond: Two Souls orginally launched in 2013 as a PlayStation exclusive and was ported to PC in 2015. According to the LinkedIn page of Quantic Dream CEO Guillaume de Fondaumière, the game has sold ...
I dislike talking about David Cage's oeuvre as much as most of you do, but this is a head-scratcher worth talking about: ...
Elliot Page’s PageBoy Productions has acquired the rights to adapt 2013 adventure game Beyond: Two Souls into a television ...
期待已久的消息终于来袭!Quantic Dream备受瞩目的心理动作惊悚游戏《超凡双生》 (Beyond: Two Souls)即将迎来电视剧化的重大转变。著名演员艾伦·佩吉通过她的Pageboy Productions公司,成功购买了该游戏的改编权,意图将这一经典故事搬上荧幕。
Beyond: Two Souls, the Quantic Dream-made interactive thriller starring Elliot Page and Willem Dafoe, is being adapted for TV ...
PlayStation and Quantic Dream’s story-driven adventure game Beyond: Two Souls is getting a TV series reimagining from ...
Elliot Page and Quantic Dream are developing a television series adaptation based on the video game Beyond: Two Souls.
Quantic Dream's story-driven video games including Detroit: Become Human and Heavy Rain seem like ideal titles to be adapted ...
Page says he wants to "create a unique vision of the characters and their journeys that resonates with fans and newcomers." ...