鞭牛士报道,1月5日消息,据BI报道,TikTok 的姊妹应用 Lemon8 现在是 Apple App Store 最受欢迎的免费应用之一。在 TikTok 可能被禁之前,TikTok 姊妹应用 Lemon8 的人气正在飙升。Lemon8 使用 ...
Lemon8 surged to No. 1 on the Apple app store charts as some users consider it to be a possible TikTok alternative, but the ...
Lemon8, an Instagram-like app owned by ByteDance, which also owns TikTok, is surging in popularity as an end-of-the-month ...
在社交媒体的海洋中,小红书和Lemon8(中文名:小黄书)的竞争正悄然展开。最近,一名在日本的中国留学生告诉我:“Lemon8和小红书没什么不一样,都是分享生活的地方。”无独有偶,字节跳动近期启动的Lemon8在海外市场的快速增长,也让小红书不得不重新审视自己的出海策略。 Lemon8于2022年在日本首发,随后在东南亚各国崭露头角,尤其是在美妆、时尚和美食等领域。与小红书的“种草”功能相似,Le ...
While a ban on TikTok could be imminent in the USA, users are switching to an alternative app in droves. There is a system to ...
Lemon8与红果短剧的成功,再次证明了字节跳动在持续制造爆款方面的卓越能力。无论是海外市场还是国内市场,字节跳动都以其独特的创新力和执行 ...
For 70 years, most of our essential and widely used technology originated from American companies. That’s not true anymore. Americans use a lot of technology from China, and that’s not going to stop.
TikTok’s potential ban in the United States is getting closer, leaving many users across the country wondering when it may actually happen.