China will front-load 100 billion yuan (US$14.19 billion) from its 2025 central budget for investment and another 100 billion ...
央视网消息:国庆假期,中国旅游市场热潮澎湃,其中入境游表现尤为抢眼,旅游、商务、探亲等叠加,各口岸迎来外国人入境高峰,外国游客不仅热衷于深度游、小众游,海岛跨境游等成为入境游的新热潮。专家表示,入境旅游热力蓬勃,不仅凸显了中国旅游市场吸引力和不断提升 ...
China has introduced a package of incremental policies that aims to address economic downturns, boost domestic demand, support businesses, stabilize the real estate market, and address fluctuations in ...
China's Ministry of Commerce announced Tuesday that it will impose temporary anti-dumping measures on brandy originating in ...
Daily air trips averaged 2.3 million during the holiday period, surging 11.1 percent from a year earlier. Road trips made ...
加密资金流向A股,“A股概念币”热潮或将继续。A股的“情绪性牛市”还在继续:今日早间 A 股开盘,上证指数涨 10.13%,深证成指涨 12.67%,创业板指涨 18.44%;A股证券板块涨停,股指期货全线涨停;沪深两市成交额连续第 2 个交易日突破 ...
近年来,随着免签“朋友圈”不断扩容、144小时过境免签、支付日趋便利化等政策措施落地生效,更多外国游客选择来一场说走就走的“China Travel”。
Song Binbin, a student leader of China’s Red Guards who in 1966 was embroiled in the beating death of her high school ...
BEIJING, Oct. 5 (Xinhua) -- During the week-long National Day holiday starting on Oct. 1, Chinese people take a break to ...
今年9月,中国旅游研究院发布了入境游客喜爱的十个景区度假区和十个名城古镇,杭州西湖、浙江乌镇位列其中。此前,携程旅行也公布了一组数据,在北上广深等热门入境游城市之外,西安、成都、杭州等地正吸引越来越多的外国游客入境。据去哪儿平台分析,因为风景优美、交 ...
【“All-in Buy China”情绪点燃!海外交易台A股资金流创新高】“现在外资客户的情绪是‘ABC’三个字——‘All-in Buy ...